The National Judicial Opioid Task Force (NJOTF) was established by the Conference of Chief Justices (CCJ) and the Conference of State Court Administrators (COSCA), with funding from SJI, in August 2017 to address the issue of opioid-related cases and promote solutions nationwide.
Recently, the NJOTF released a summary update detailing the activities over the past year, which includes the accomplishments of NJOTF work groups (Children and Families, Civil and Criminal Justice, and Collaboration and Education). Presented in a clear manner, using infographics, a timeline, and summarized content, the NJOTF has centered their efforts on addressing critical topics and producing practical materials such as fact sheets, webinars, videos, “TedTalk” style events, bench cards, interactive maps, and other resources for judges, court personnel, and justice system stakeholders.
As these resources become available, SJI will continue to share them and updates are also available on the NJOTF website, hosted by the National Center for State Courts.