Supporting the Nation's Judicial System & the Public it Serves


Trends Publication Highlights the Use of Technology to Better Serve SRLs

Earlier this month, the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) released its 2015 Trends in State Courts.  The annual publication highlighted leadership and technology featuring several articles in covering each area.  Featured in the article “Litigant Portals Provide a New Approach to Help Self-Represented Litigants,” by Dr. Thomas Clarke, is mention of an SJI grant (SJI-14-P-041) to the NCSC and the Self-Represented Litigation Network (SRLN).  This Strategic Initiatives Grant (SIG) is enabling the NCSC and the SRLN to develop technical requirements for future court customer service portals for self-represented litigants.  The project also includes assessments of programs and technologies that provide remote services for self-represented litigants.  Included in the evaluation are the court systems in California, Utah, Alaska, Minnesota, and Maryland, as well as a the Orange County, California, Superior Court.  Results from this project will be available later in 2015.