The OJP Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), in collaboration with the Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Program (COSSAP) team, is seeking applications to respond to illicit substance use and misuse to reduce overdose deaths, promote public safety, and support access to treatment and recovery services in the criminal justice system. Awards will be made in two categories for the following amounts:
Category 1: Local Applications
Subcategory 1a—An urban area or large county with a population greater than 500,000: up to $1,600,000
Subcategory 1b—A suburban area or medium-size county with a population between 100,000 and 500,000: up to $1,300,000
Subcategory 1c—A rural area or small county or tribal area with a population of fewer than 100,000 or a federally recognized Indian tribe: up to $1,000,000
Category 2: State Applications
Applications from states on behalf of county, local, municipal, or tribal communities: up to $6,000,000
Period of performance start date: October 1, 2022
Period of performance duration: 36 months Deadline: June 13, 2022, 8:59 p.m., ET
Application JustGrants Deadline: June 17, 2022, 8:59 p.m., ET
In FY 2022, applications must be submitted in a two-step process:
Step 1: Applicants will submit an SF-424 and an SF-LLL in at
Step 2: Applicants will submit the full application, including attachments, in JustGrants at To be considered timely, the full application must be submitted to JustGrants by the JustGrants application deadline.
Visit for solicitation information, eligibility details, and application guidelines.