Now in its fourth edition, Steps to Best Practices for Court Building Security delivers updated guidance on a diverse array of court security topics. Examples include recommendations for implementing remote hearings for in-custody defendants and recommendations for security technology. The new release highlights how courts can integrate technology into building infrastructure—including security control centers, alarms, access control technology, and cameras. The updated guidance also incorporates greater attention to how architectural design can create safe separation and circulation for all court participants. The 2022 update also reinforces fundamental security concepts for courts of all shapes and sizes.

To help courts achieve these fundamental practices, the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) evaluates the effectiveness of court building security programs through responses to questions, such as:
- Is there a Court Security Committee in place? How does it function?
- Who is “in charge” of security in the courthouse? How do you know who’s in charge?
- What policies and procedures are in place? How are they developed?
- What training and exercise programs are in place? Who participates and how often are they conducted?
- Who gets screened for weapons?
- Who has access after hours?
- What is your role and responsibilities with respect to security?
To learn more about NCSC’s court security services, please visit the Court Security and Emergency Preparedness web page.