Supporting the Nation's Judicial System & the Public it Serves


Improving Access to Justice for Native Peoples in State Courts

The New Mexico Center for Language Access (NMCLA) at the New Mexico Administrative Office of the Courts, with support from the New Mexico Judiciary, and in collaboration with the University of New Mexico School of Law and Judicial Education Center has recently completed their grant to improve access to justice for native peoples in the courts (SJI-14-N-153).

The report is presented in a 30-minute online video format, which takes the viewer through the design and intent of the project, introduces key partners, and includes perspectives from the Native American community.  Courts embarking on work with language access, interpretation, and mediation projects involving the Native American community are encouraged to review the video and contact the NMCLA if they have questions.

The video is available online:

Improving language access in the state courts through remote interpretation (outside the courtroom), interpreter certification, courtroom services (plain language forms, websites, etc.) remains a Priority Investment Area for SJI in FY 2017.