The National Center for State Courts (NCSC) recently announced that the final products from the SJI-funded Phase II: A National Campaign to Ensure the Racial and Ethnic Fairness of America’s State Courts (SJI-08-I-084) are now available on the NCSC website. The project is the final phase of the National Campaign to Ensure Racial and Ethnic Fairness in the Courts—a project initiated in collaboration with the Conference of Chief Justices (CCJ) and Conference of State Court Administrators (COSCA) Access and Public Trust Committees in 2006.
The resources include a report on three pilot educational programs on implicit bias and shorter excerpts that can be used as stand-alone pieces for presentations and judicial education programs. A summary and accessible links to the resources developed under this grant include:
- Helping Courts Address Implicit Bias: Resources for Education: describes and evaluates the three pilot judicial education programs on implicit bias and offers lessons learned. It also includes appendices with resource materials for programs on implicit bias.
- Addressing Implicit Bias in the Courts: briefly describes the implicit bias phenomenon and outlines potential strategies that court professionals can use to combat implicit bias.
- Implicit Bias: Frequently Asked Questions: addresses some common questions about implicit bias and what contemporary science tells us about this cognitive phenomenon.
- Strategies to Reduce the Influence of Implicit Bias: identifies conditions that may give rise to implicitly biased judgment or behavior and details seven general approaches to address implicit bias in the courts based on current scientific research.
A manuscript submitted to the Justice System Journal, and a forthcoming article in the UCLA Law Review is also available.